The largest power station in the country

Four years passed from the beginning of construction work at Kárahnjúkar in 2003 until the Fljótsdalur Power Station reached full operational capacity in 2007. Concurrent with the construction work at Kárahnjúkar, an aluminium plant was built in Reyðarfjörður. Most of the energy generated is sold to the Reyðarfjörður plant.
On its long journey from the reservoirs in the highlands to the station’s intake, the water drops approximately 200 m. Two-thirds of the total head runs through an approximately 400 m high vertical pressure tunnel near the Fljótsdalur Station.
The water’s total drop therefore, is more than 600 m. The water drives six powerful turbines in the powerhouse and then flows through a tailrace tunnel and canal into the river Jökulsá in Fljótsdalur, east of Valþjófsstaður Mountain, at an altitude of 26 metres. The underground powerhouse is located inside Valþjófsstaður Mountain and is accessed through an 800 m tunnel. Electricity is transmitted from the station through a separate cable tunnel to the switchgear house and from there through high-voltage lines to Alcoa’s aluminium plant in Reyðarfjörður.