Human Resources

Landsvirkjun’s employees play a pivotal role in the company’s progress on energy and climate issues. We emphasize developing an ambitious work environment that supports powerful team unity, success, and an encouraging working atmosphere. Our visionary workplace promotes diversity and meets employees’ needs for flexibility.

Popular Workplace



Landsvirkjun has 340 employees, and the Company’s work sites are nationwide.

We are dedicated to ensuring all employees enjoy good working conditions and flexibility, aiming to facilitate work-life balance. Our focus is on creating a workplace that prioritizes injury prevention and safety while offering opportunities for professional development, continuing education, and retraining.

Ultimately, a workplace is defined by the employees who work there on diverse and exciting projects with clear and shared goals. With strong team unity and a positive work culture, we achieve excellent success together.

Systematic Focus on Equal Opportunity

We celebrate diversity and take a systematic approach to ensuring equality. Our HR Equal Opportunity Policy ensures that all employees are valued, receive equal pay for the same role, and enjoy the same opportunities and rights in their employment, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, or age. We maintain a strict stance against bullying, gender-based violence, sexual harassment, or any other violence.

Equal opportunity and employee diversity support progress and success, making our company a popular and sought-after workplace. Our commitment to these values has been recognized with awards, such as the golden seal from PWC for equal pay in 2014 and an award from FKA in 2022.

Exciting Opportunities

Green energy generation and the energy transition bring exciting times ahead for us. Our jobs are diverse and engaging, offering opportunities for employees to grow and evolve in their careers while working on projects they are passionate about.