Open procedures and awarded tenders
Tender opening
Below you can find opening minutes for Landsvirkjun’s public tenders. Tender quotations are published with an error disclaimer.
Awarded tenders
When submitted tenders have been processed, the result is published below the opening minutes.
Bids for tender no. 2024-16 Vatnsfellsskurður - Cleaning of sediment from the excavation above the main valve and release of sediment were opened on April 22, 2024, at 14:00.
The following bids were received:
Hagtak hf: 2,620,967,742 ISK.
Prices are displayed without VAT, subject to errors.
The seller will now review the bids.
Bids in the price inquiry no. 2024-06 for the repair of Vatnsfellsskurður below the main dam were opened on March 14, 2024, at 14:00.
The following bids were received:
- Suðurverk hf: 258,803,136 ISK.
Prices are displayed without VAT, subject to errors.
The seller will now review the bids.
Bids for tender no. 2023-105 Maintenance of infrastructure in the Fljótsdalsstöð area were opened on March 11, 2024, at 14:00.
No bids were received.
18 January 2024, submitted tenders for Modular soundproof office pods and phone booths were opened.
The following tenders were submitted.- Á. Guðmundsson ehf.: 46.670.000 ISK
- Egilsson ehf. Tilboð 1: 50.191.950 ISK
- Egilsson ehf. Tilboð 2: 54.087.092 ISK
- Hirzlan ehf. Tilboð 1: 47.800.000 ISK
- Hirzlan ehf. Tilboð 2: 54.720.000 ISK
- Húsagerðin ehf.: 57.349.890 ISK
- Penninn ehf. Tilboð 1: 41.938.126 ISK
- Penninn ehf. Tilboð 2: 49.729.740 ISK
- Sýrusson hönnunarhús ehf. Tilboð 1: 45.674.800 ISK
- Sýrusson hönnunarhús ehf. Tilboð 2: 59.999.000 ISK
- Sýrusson hönnunarhús ehf. Tilboð 3: 57.738.800 ISK
[6 February 2024] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Hirzlan ehf. which was the most successful in terms of selection criteria based on both price and quality.
Thursday, 14 December 2023, submitted tenders for Microsoft licence were opened, ITT No. 2023-97.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Advania Ísland: 6.790.987 ISK
- OK: 3.406.331 ISK
- Origo: 6.676.559 ISK
- Sensa: 70.488.278 ISK
[28 December 2023] – Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to OK
Wednesday, 27 September 2023, submitted tenders for Landsvirkjun‘s insurance were opened, ITT No. 2023-98.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Sjóvá: 36.834.398 ISK
- TM: 57.421.192 ISK
- VÍS: 51.939.874 ISK
- Vörður: 55.231.559 ISK
[20 October 2023] Landsvirkjun has awarded the contract to Sjóvá Almennar Tryggingar hf.
Wednesday, 21 June 2023, the following tenders were submitted in the pre-qualification of the tender process:
- Andritz Hydro GmbH
- E+I Engineering Ltd.
- GE Digital Services Europe
- Open Systems International Europe SL
- Schneider Electric Systems UK Ltd.
- Siemens AS
- Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co KG
[15 December 2023] Landsvirkjun has awarded the contract to Open Systems International Europe SL
Wednesday, 24 May 2023, submitted tenders for Charging Stations were opened, ITT No. 2023-83.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Ískraft: ISK 107,574,219
- Ísorka: ISK 108,010,000
- Reykjafell: ISK 106,013,429
- RST Net: ISK 119,952,415
[13 June 2023] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to RST NET for the highest points scored based on pre-published criteria.
Thursday, 13 April 2023, submitted tenders for MÚLI (Eiríksbúð Expansion) were opened, ITT No. 2022-66.
The following submissions were received:
- Eykt ehf.
ISK 680,180,867, VAT-exclusive.
Total GHG emissions due to selected project segments: 370 tonnes CO2-eq
Total carbon costs from total GHG emissions: ISK 25,962,897, VAT-inclusive. - Íslenskir aðalverktar hf.
ISK 1,142,705,109, VAT-exclusive.
Total GHG emissions due to selected project segments: 505 tonnes CO2-eq
Total carbon cost from total GHG emissions: ISK 31,918,798, VAT-inclusive. - Jáverk ehf.
ISK 912,890,170, VAT-exclusive.
Total GHG emissions due to selected project segments: 297 tonnes CO2-eq
Total carbon costs from total GHG emissions: ISK 12,883,408, VAT-inclusive.
Cost estimate: ISK 492,333,639, VAT-exclusive.
[24 August 2023] Landsvirkjun decided to reject all tenders due to cost estimate.
- Eykt ehf.
Monday, 13 March 2023, submitted tenders for Þórisósstífla – Renovation of Wave Erosion Protection were opened, ITT No. 2023-74.
The following submitted tenders were received. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Suðurverk hf
ISK: 343,985,470
Total GHG emissions from heavy equipment fuel consumption: 655.4 tonnes CO2-eq
Cost estimate: ISK 468,637,500
Landsvirkjun will issue an award notification when the submitted tenders have been reviewed.
- Suðurverk hf
Thursday, 9 March 2023, submitted tenders for Wireline Logging and Geology Service at Þeistareykir were opened, ITT No. 2022-64.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Íslenskar Orkurannsóknir: ISK 282,744,505
- Estimated cost: ISK 224,959,220
Landsvirkjun will issue an award notification when the submitted tenders have been reviewed.
Thursday, 1 November 2022, submitted tenders for Þeistareykir Snow Removal were opened, ITT no. 2022-36.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Fjallasýn Rúnars Óskarssonar ehf.: ISK 25,246,894
- Cost estimate: ISK 20,402,820
[27 December 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Fjallasýn Rúnars Óskarssonar.
Tuesday, 8 November 2022, submitted tenders for the Construction of a Rockfall Barrier at Kárahnjúkar were opened, No. 2022-58.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Gasser Felstechnik AG: EUR 1,329,420.81
- Köfunarþjónustan ehf.: EUR 3,638,379.56
- Estimated cost: EUR 1.850.000.00
[12 December 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Gasser Felstechnik AG.
Thursday, 20 October 2022, submitted tenders for Canteen and Catering Services at Krafla and Þeistareykir were opened, ITT no. 2022-37.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- AJ Veitingar ehf.: ISK 52,258,000
- RDS ehf.: ISK 58,773,000
- Cost estimate ISK 43,140,000
[10 November 2022] Landsvirkjun decided to reject all tenders.
Monday, 8 August 2022, submitted tenders for Cleaning Services at the Þjórsá Area were opened, ITT No. 2022-44.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Dagar ehf.: ISK 63,566,388
- Sólar ehf.: ISK 312,348,332
- Cost estimate: ISK 39,680,000
[12 October 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Dagar ehf.
Tuesday, 26 April 2022, submitted tenders for Quarrying at Þórisósstífla were opened, ITT No. 2022-33.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Íslenskir aðalverktar hf.: ISK 308,048,279
Total GHG emissions from heavy equipment fuel consumption: 631.93 tonnes CO2-eq - Suðurverk hf.: ISK 221,398,984
Total GHG emissions from heavy equipment fuel consumption: 555.43 tonnes CO2-eq - Ístak hf.: 384,859,526
Total GHG emissions from heavy equipment fuel consumption: 546.4109 tonnes of CO2
Cost estimate: ISK 340,102,223
[31 May 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Suðurverk hf.
- Íslenskir aðalverktar hf.: ISK 308,048,279
Tuesday, 12 April 2022, submitted tenders for the Construction and Instalment of Bottom Valves were opened, ITT No. 2022-35.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- HD ehf.: ISK 71,326,919
- Héðinn hf.: ISK 78,032,133
- Stálorka ehf.: ISK 93,491,548
- Stálsmiðjan-Framtak ehf.: ISK 198,708,000
- Cost estimate: ISK 65,352,500
[31 May 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to HD ehf.
Thursday, 7 April 2022, submitted tenders for Bank Protection, Road and Area Maintenance at Fljótsdalur Hydropower Station were opened, ITT No. 2022-32.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Jónsmenn ehf.: ISK 89,985,500
- Þ.S. Verktakar.: ISK 98,711,194
- Cost estimate: ISK 90,540,000
[13 May 2022] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Jónsmenn ehf.
Wednesday, 26 January 2022, the final tenders for ERP Implementation Procurement were opened, ITT No. 2021-09.
The following companies submitted their tenders:
- HSO Iceland ehf.
- Advania Ísland ehf. & Pingala A/S
Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Advania Ísland ehf. & Pingala A/S. The contract amount is ISK 176,399,904, VAT-exclusive.
Calls for expression of interest (EOI) in Interactive Procurement System: Vehicle Acquisition for Landsvirkjun were launched on 28 September 2021.
The following suppliers have submitted EOIs:
- Hekla ehf.
- Brimborg
- BL ehf.
- TK bílar ehf.
Monday, 22 March 2021, submitted tenders for a Wearing Course for the Road Þeistareykjavegur Syðri, Þeistareykir-Kísilvegur were opened, ITT No. 20347.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Árni Helgason ehf.: ISK 354,849,170
- Borgarverk ehf.: ISK 439,080,000
- Cost estimate: ISK 357,330,000
[14 April 2021] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Árni Helgason ehf.
Thursday, 18 February 2021, submitted tenders for a Stator for Generator 2 at Búrfell were opened, ITT No. 20341.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
- Tenderer: Andritz Hydro GmbH
Price: EUR 2,086,525
KW losses: 298 - Tenderer: GE Renewable Hydro Spain SLU
Price: EUR 1,746,100
KW losses: 360 - Tenderer: Končar – Generators and Motors Inc.
Price: EUR 1,285,000
KW losses: 330 - Tenderer: Voith Hydro AB
Price: EUR 2,294,000
KW losses: 332
Cost estimate: EUR 1,532,000
[17 May 2021] Landsvirkjun awarded Končar - Generators and Motors Inc the contract.
- Tenderer: Andritz Hydro GmbH
Thursday, 14 January 2021, submitted tenders for Telecommunication Services and Telecommunication Connections were opened, ITT No. 20318.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Nova hf.: ISK 131,030,244
- Síminn hf.: ISK 74,758,128
- Sýn hf. (Vodafone): ISK 65,091,072
[9 March 2021] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Sýn hf. (Vodafone).
Monday, 11 January 2021, submitted tenders for External Repair at Steingrímsstöð Power Station were opened, ITT No. 20324.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Ístak hf.: ISK 172,867,486
- K16 ehf.: ISK 132,379,420
- Múr- og málningarþjónustan ehf.: ISK 169,224,040
Cost estimate: ISK 158,095,164
[19 February 2021] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to K16 ehf.
Friday, 31 July 2020, submitted tenders for A Crossing Over the River Þjórsá Above the Waterfall Þjófafoss were opened, ITT No. 20329.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Eykt ehf.: ISK 237,117,542
- Landstólpi ehf.: ISK 243,157,709
- Ístak hf.: ISK 190,513,727
Cost estimate: ISK 125,900,000
[4 August 2020] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Ístak hf.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020, submitted tenders for a Floodway at Sporðöldustífla/Hrauneyjastífla: Excavating and Grading were opened, ITT No. 20231.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Ístak hf.: ISK 294,731,989
- Suðurverk hf.: ISK 363,158,800
Cost estimate: ISK 401,861,680
[10 August 2020] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Ístak hf.
Thursday, 2 April 2020, submitted tenders for Fljótsdalur Hydropower Station: Masonry and Concrete Repair were opened, ITT No. 20312.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- MVA ehf.: ISK 109,129,176
Cost estimate: ISK 81,772,475
[22 April 2020] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to MVA ehf.
On Tuesday, 30 June 2020, submitted Winter Service and Road and Area Maintenance tenders at the Þjórsá Area were opened, ITT No. 20309.
The following tenders were submitted. All prices are VAT-inclusive.
- Þjótandi ehf.: ISK 88,487,640
Cost estimate: ISK 88,040,000
[19 August 2020] Landsvirkjun awarded the contract to Þjótandi ehf.